A Few New Items to Start the Year

Happy New Year to all, as late as I am. Unfortunately, it’s been a busy end to the previous year and I’ve sort of hit the ground running to start this one. However, there are a few items I wanted to pass along that might be of interest to folks.

First off, Winston Chen, the developer of what I feel is the best reading application on the market for iOS, Voice Dream Reader, has released a word processor application called, Voice Dream Writer. It was built with VoiceOver accessibility in mind from the ground up, and is truly worth the money. I am posting a link to an interview done on Cool Blind Tech with Mr. Chen that is worth the listen if you have the time. The man is extremely fascinating and it’s a great story. Also, he is working towards making a Mac version of the app, which I think would be simply fantastic.

The interview can be found

To learn about the Voice Dream Writer application,
go here.

Additionally, Shelly Brisbin has released an update to her iOS Access book for iOS 8. It is called, iOS Access for All: Your Guide to Accessibility for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch (iOS 8 Edition). From her website from the About this Book link,

“iOS Access for All is a comprehensive guide to the accessibility features of Apple’s mobile devices. From the VoiceOver screen reader, which allows blind users to control an iPhone or iPad, to support for hearing aids and closed captioning, Apple’s mobile operating system, iOS, includes features that support use of the company’s popular iDevices by people with a wide range of physical and cognitive disabilities. iOS Access for All is the most thorough, hands-on guide to accessibility features available. Readers will learn how to set up and use an iOS device in an accessible way, and how to get the most from apps provided by Apple, and available from the App Store. The book also introduces iOS tools, including the Siri voice assistant, that weren’t designed for accessibility, but that nonetheless enhance the productivity and pleasure of disabled users.”

To read all about the book, download sample chapters or purchase it, visit
her website for the book.

Lastly, but certainly not least, there has been a lot of talk about the Be My Eyes application for iOS. I recently downloaded it, but have not tried it yet. However, it’s received a lot of buzz in the blindness community and is another addition to the various “recognizer” apps available to the blind.
You can go here to get all of the information and purchase the app.

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