What are we looking for

Macfortheblind.com is meant to be a community place. We want as much feedback and, more importantly, contributions from our members.

We certainly know that we can’t have every single bit of information or have the answer to every obscure question, but we desire to try to be as comprehensive and informative as possible. We attempt to cover as many areas as we can, and we will try to include any useful and helpful comments into our pages.

With that said, we really are looking for your help. I have collected some emails from the various Mac and Apple related lists I am subscribed to, and I have included them here on the site. However, as you will discover or have discovered, this is a work in progress and there is a lot missing. This is where you can give us a hand.

What we are looking for are;

  1. Common questions you have either read on lists or encountered in your own experiences with the Mac or iDevices. Please be as specific as possible and, if possible, provide answers as well to be included on our FAQ page.
  2. Specific tasks that are commonly asked about in regard to the Mac or iDevices that we should be aware of for the various parts of this site.
  3. How to instructions or tips and tricks that you think would be helpful and useful to the community. You don’t have to be an expert on the Mac or any iDevice, but if you have found a way to perform a certain task or use a specific feature and can clearly present the instructions, we welcome your contribution.
  4. Any documentation or tutorials you’d like to submit to us to include on our Documentation page. This can be a user guide or manual we do not have, a tutorial you possess or a list of commands for a given application. If it is someone else’s work, please indicate so to us so we can give them credit as well.
  5. Any freeware applications, Apple scripts, Work Flows or other items you think would be useful to add to our Freeware and other Downloads page.
  6. Links to any sites you think would be good for us to include on our Links page. This can be for an email list pertaining to VoiceOver and Apple products, another resource site forVoiceOver information or that can assist developers in making their applications accessible for VoiceOver users, or a podcast relevant to VoiceOver and the Mac or iDevices.
  7. User Reviews of Applications for the Mac or iDevices, or relevant accessories.

For specific information on contributing to this project, please read our
Requests and Contributions page

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1 Response to What are we looking for

  1. I am taking a new job as a professor at Syracuse University and I’ve decided to make the Mac leap, largely because of your terrific site, though also because I never again want to update JAWS and experience the hours of agony that this has so often entailed. A commitment by Apple to build an accessible platform now seems genuine. I also love the IPad. Thanks for making this great forum!

    Steve Kuusisto

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